buffalo, ny

Hi! Tell me a bit about your business and your marketing needs, and i'll get back to you aSAP.

business name
the services i'm interested in...
Business website & social handles

I'm so excited to meet you and learn about your business! I'll get back to you within 2-3 business days.

Thanks for your message!

I'm not your typical social media babe. I'm your number one hype girl. Because you can't have a successful marketing strategy without someone who truly believes in your vision.

That's why I work with businesses that I fall in love with. I want to get to know your brand story, your goals and who you are.

Basically, I'll treat your social media like it's my own personal account. Because I know cultivating your audience is an intimate and mindful mission. This isn't just a job for me. This is my passion.

I'll be the girl you call to pop champagne when you hit your best sales month ever. My goal is to help you find the same happiness and success in your small business that I have found in mine.

I'm Katherine Kuznik

Meet your Social Media's new bestie

about me