
3 High-Demand Call-To-Actions to Boost Your Bookings as an Esthetician

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In the world of esthetics, your social media presence isn’t just a platform—it’s a powerful tool to create a sense of exclusivity and urgency that keeps your appointment book full. The right call-to-action (CTA) on your social posts can make all the difference. Here are three CTAs that will make you sound in demand and get your clients booking ASAP. (Pssst….want to know a bit more about CTAs? Here is an article that does a deep dive!)

1. The “Don’t Miss Out” CTA

Example: “My schedule is looking pretty full for the next few weeks. As of this moment, I only have a few openings left. Book now, so you don’t miss out. Head to the link in my bio!”

On social media, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is real, and you can use it to your advantage. By posting that your schedule is filling up fast, you create a sense of urgency that encourages your followers to act now. This CTA is perfect for Instagram, Facebook, or any platform where you want to remind your audience that they need to book quickly to secure their spot.

2. The “Exact Number of Openings” CTA

Example: “I only have 4 openings left for next week. Book now to save your spot. Head to the link in my bio.”

Sharing the exact number of available slots on social media adds a level of specificity that makes your services feel even more exclusive. When followers see that you have limited availability, they’re more likely to view booking with you as a premium opportunity they can’t pass up. This type of CTA works wonders on platforms like Instagram Stories, where you can create a sense of urgency with a countdown or limited-time offer.

3. The “I’m Getting Popular” CTA

Example: “As my client list grows, my book is getting more full. I recommend booking your next service as far in advance as possible. Head to the link in my bio.”

This CTA is all about positioning yourself as a high-demand professional. Letting your social media followers know that your client list is growing and your availability is shrinking not only boosts your credibility but also motivates them to book sooner rather than later. It’s a great way to subtly brag while also providing value by giving them a heads-up.

Esthetician CTAs Are A Must Have!

Using these CTAs in your social media posts is a smart way to build a brand that feels exclusive and in demand. Whether you’re leveraging FOMO, showcasing your limited availability, or highlighting your growing popularity, these CTAs can help you fill your schedule and elevate your esthetician business. Start integrating these into your social strategy, and watch how quickly your followers turn into loyal clients!

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Katherine Kuznik
August 4, 2024

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