Should I Use Pinterest for my Small Business in 2023 Blog Article

Should I Use Pinterest for Business in 2023? (8 Reasons You NEED To Be On The Platform)

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One of the most common questions I get asked about Pinterest, is “is Pinterest still relevant in 2023?” And my answer is 100% yes. Pinterest reports that it has over 450 million monthly users. Odds are pretty good that YOUR target audience is using the platform. 

While it’s true, Pinterest has changed over the years, you can still effectively use Pinterest in 2023 for your business marketing strategy. 

Pinterest is an extremely powerful tool. It is considered a visual search engine. A place where people go to get inspired, to get new ideas and to spend time when they are looking for positive and happy content.

If you’re wondering “why should I spend my *very* precious time investing in another social media platform, here are my top 8 favorite reasons you should have a Pinterest business account. 

# 1: Pinterest Users Are at the Beginning of Their Buying Journey

Having an active Pinterest account with a Pinterest marketing strategy is a great way to position your brand to be found by the millions of monthly users on the platform. Since up to 90% of Pinterest searches are generic, and non-branded it’s a great place for your target audience to find you.

Pinterest is the place where people go BEFORE they buy. Pinners aren’t totally sure WHAT they want yet. They just know they can discover something amazing within this inspirational platform.

Say for example, if a Pinner was interested in purchasing some new sandals. She might type in “boho style brown sandals” to the search bar. While she might find photos of Birkenstock and Free People stems, she also may stumble upon an unknown brand like Roolee or Bed|Stu. It’s a great place to fill the top of your sales funnel, and bring overall brand awareness.

# 2: Pinterest is a Positive, Safe Place

Did you ever notice that the imagery on Pinterest is usually very uplifting and positive? This isn’t by accident. In fact, research shows that 8 in 10 people use Pinterest when they want to feel more positive.

Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest doesn’t leave you feeling judged or inadequate. You aren’t comparing yourself to influencers or feeling like you’re failing at life. Instead- you find yourself dreaming about your future goals.

You feel safe pinning some of the most vulnerable content (future house inspiration, future children outfits, future wedding plans) and aren’t worried what others will think. It’s actually quite normal for Pinners to turn to their boards as a place is visually manifest their desires. 

Pinterest makes you feel like you are capable of getting your shizz together. ( I personally feel like I could finally become one of those organized people when I’m on Pinterest. You know- the ones who have closets with neatly labeled basket inside? When I’m on Pinterest, I can do anything.)

# 3: Can you Say “Evergreen Content Opportunity”?

Pinterest content doesn’t die. Unlike Instagram or TikTok whose algorithm shelf life is a few hours MAYBE a few days if you’re lucky. Pinterest content can literally last for years. I have clients whose single Pin from 2019 still brings in hundreds of pageviews a month. It becomes a great way to have passive traffic to your website. And while it’s true, not EVERY piece of content is going to be a traffic goldmine, SOME will be. And that’s what we are here for.

# 4: The Platform Diversity Factor. (Twitter really showed us the importance of this!)

If Instagram or TikTok crashed, got hacked, shut down, banned you, etc, etc., would you be screwed? While I totally understand that building a successful social media presence on ONE platform is damn hard work, let alone building up multiple channels, you kinda need a fail safe.

If 2023 has taught us anything, it’s that even giant social media platforms (like Twitter) can make abrupt changes, and the end user can be affected. The saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” seems to be very relevant. Pinterest has been around since 2010, so its not a new kid on the block by any means. It’s not a bad place to invest time and energy.

# 5: Different Peeps = Larger Reach

The people who are on Pinterest may not be the same people who are on Instagram. Just like the people who are on TikTok might not be the same people who ore Facebook or Twitter. Of course, there is some overlap. But this is a great way to broaden your audience.

Since Pinterest isn’t really a SOCIAL platform, there are a LOT of people who only use Pinterest. (Not everyone wants to see pics of their high school prom queen’s sushi from last night.)

# 6: Pinterest Users Have Different Objectives

Like I had mentioned previously, people generally tend to go to Pinterest to feel inspired or to plan. Not doom scroll when they are half asleep at night.

When someone has a party to plan, they open up their phone, tap the red Pin icon, create a board named “Baby Shower Ideas” and start saving beautiful Pins. While there is absolutely amazing content on other platforms, none of them can help to curate and organize it the way Pinterest does. 

# 7: Pinterest Analytics are Bonkers (in a good way)

Aside from the normal account insights like engagement and impressions, Pinterest has some pretty unique data to look at. Did you know that you when someone saves your Pin, you can not only see exactly WHO that person was, but you can see what other content they are interested in? You can get a super deep look into your ideal audience, and learn from them.

For example, say your business sells wall art prints. Maybe a specific Pin you made about a new piece from your “Boho Wall Art Collection” is being repeatedly saved to boards like “Yoga Studio Decor” , “My Dream Office”, “Meditation Room”. You can see the other content that is being saved alongside your Pin, and start to really see how your ideal customer interacts with your content. You might find inspiration for a new product, new SEO keywords to target or tap in to a whole new niche audience you didn’t know existed.

# 8: Content Ideas from Now Until the End of Time

Besides for all of the content that is already posted on Pinterest, just waiting to inspire you, Pinterest literally gives you segmented trend reports. You can see what your ideal customer is interested in and tap into growing trends.

For example, if you are a recipe designer you might be interested to know that on March 20, 2023, the search term “avocado toast recipes” is being searched 10,000% MORE than it was a year ago. (Seems like a great day to write a post about avocado toast huh?)

I could go on for days about how fantastic Pinterest is, but I think I’ll stop for now. If you read this article and are thinking, OK, I’m ready to start marketing on Pinterest but I need some help- don’t worry! I have some pretty amazing offerings to help you get started. Head to my DIY Social Store and find all the tools you need to Pin like a pro (without the heavy price-tag). And if you DO want to hire a pro to handle your Pinterest presence, give me a shout! Click here for my Pinterest Account Management services info.

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Katherine Kuznik
May 8, 2023

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